terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2021

Bind para Champions Online

 in: Game Mechanics


Console Command List

The list of console commands is output to the in-game chat Windows, when you enter the command /cmdlist.

General Notes On Using Commands

  • In keeping with Kord's convention, this table is sorted as it is by the output of the /cmdlist function. Data has been put into a spreadsheet for processing and formatting which is currently being updated as I test commands. I will try to capture changes to this page as appropriate, but no guarantees (they may get overwritten as updated). All previously documented commands are included, but many no longer work.
  • This table can be sorted by columns. A helpful trick is to sort by Command, then by Category. Columns:
Variables - either as returned as an error code, or changed to be more descriptive.
Category - This is arbitrary, but still helpful.
Yes indicates it has been tried and does work.
No returns an error.
No effect indicates the command is accepted, but results are unknown.
STO is for Star Trek Online only. Since CO shares and engine with STO, commands show up here. STO documentation of commands is more robust, and some carry over to CO, but many do not.
STO? is most likely for STO only.
Cryptic Text - text as the cmdlist returns it.
Notes - Usage notes and other things.
  • Commands need to be prefixed with a forward-slash ( / ) when used directly, ( ie: via the chat prompt )
eg: [Chat] /cmds file
  • When commands are used as part of an alias, they must not include the / ...
eg: [Chat] /alias aaa "Target_Teammate 2 $$ assist $$ DefaultAutoAttack 1"


You can bind a series of commands to a key. for instance:

/bind numpad5 "em dance_snake"

will cause you to execute /em dance_snake by pressing 5 on the numpad.

In this example: /bind numpad5 "em dance_snake$$local Dance, magic dance!"

will cause numpad 5 to make your character dance and speak simultaneously. The $$ is a separator for simultaneous actions. There is no known limit to how many simultaneous commands can be issued per bind.

Big Table of Console Commands

CommandVariablesCategoryCryptic TextWorks?Notes
InteractcursorActionInteract with the entity or object underneath the mouse cursor.Yes
CursorpopupmenuActionDisplays the entity context menu on the entity underneath the mouse cursor.Yes
CursorexecuteActionInteracts with, displays a context menu, or attacks the object or entity under the mouse.Yes
BattleFormToggleActionToggles BattleForm on or offNo Effect
DefaultAutoAttack<int>ActionDefaultAutoAttack <1/0>: Enable or disable auto attackYesWorks more consistantly than -PowerTrayExec 0
InventoryExec<int> <string> <int>ActionExecutes the first power on the item in the bag at the slot
LootCancelActionDon't take loot, just destroy the client listYes
PowerExecStruggleIfHeldActionAttempt to struggle out of a power
Power_Exec_NearDeathActionActivates the appropriate NearDeath-related Power
ToggleDefaultAutoAttackActionToggleDefaultAutoAttack: Toggles the state of auto attackYes
ExecActiveItemPowerInBagActionNo comment provided
FollowActionFollow: Follows the targeted entityYes
FollowUntilInCombatOrInRange<distance>ActionNo comment providedYesMove up to <distance> of selected target
Follow_CancelActionNo comment provided
Follow_ResumeActionNo comment provided
PowerSlotExec<Active> <Slot>ActionPowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
PowerTrayExec<Active> <Slot>ActionPowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlotYes
TrayChangeIndexActionTrayChangeIndex <UITray> <Change>: Change the UITray's displayed Tray by a positive or negative amount. Will rollover in case of underflow or overflow.
TrayExecActionTrayExec <Active> <UITray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the UITray at the Slot
TrayExecByTrayActionTrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
TrayExecByTrayNotifyAudioActionNo comment provided
TrayExecByTrayWithBackupActionTrayExec <Active> <Tray> <Slot>: Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
UseDeviceActionUse an item in a given invetory slot
cursorClickActionNo comment provided
Power_ExecActionActivate a power by name
Power_Exec_CategoryActionActivate a power by category
PowerExecCategoryIfActivatableActionActivate a power by category
interactActionInteract with the nearest interactable entity within range.Yes
interactIncludeVolumeActionInteract with the nearest interactable entity within range, followed by volume
interactOptionPowerActionNo comment provided
interactOverrideClearActionClears current interact override
interactOverrideCursorActionSet entity/object under cursor to be interact target
unifiedInteractAtCursorActionInteracts with the object under the cursor.
SetFollowActionSetFollow: toggle follow
aimActionNo comment provided
autoForwardActionNo comment providedYes
autoForward1ActionNo comment provided
backwardActionNo comment providedYes
backward1ActionNo comment provided
ctm_AttemptToShiftActionbind this to a button to trigger tactical rolls towards the cursor
downActionNo comment providedYes
down1ActionNo comment provided
forwardActionNo comment providedYes
forward1ActionNo comment provided
leftActionNo comment providedYes
left1ActionNo comment provided
mouseForwardActionNo comment provided
rightActionNo comment providedYes
right1ActionNo comment provided
runActionNo comment providedYes
slowActionNo comment provided
slow1ActionNo comment provided
turnleftActionNo comment providedYes
turnleft1ActionNo comment provided
turnrightActionNo comment providedYes
turnright1ActionNo comment provided
upActionNo comment providedYes
up1ActionNo comment provided
walkActionNo comment provided
walk1ActionNo comment provided
aActionResets your movement state
PowersCancelAllActivationsActionManual attempt to cancel all current activationsYesAllows you to have your weapon out w/o target. 1) Keybind this command. 2) Charge power. 3) Interrupt power with keybind.
TrayElemDestroyActionTrayElemDestroy <Tray> <Slot>: Destroys the element in the tray at the slot
TrayElemMoveActionTrayElemMove <Tray> <Slot> <NewTray> <NewSlot>: Moves the element in the tray at the slot to the new location. Performs a swap if the new location is not empty.
stuckActionAttempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something
store_BuyItemActionBuy an item from a Store
store_SellItemActionRemove Item from specific bag
store_SellItemNoDialogActionSell to the specified contact, must be one that allows dialog-less interactions
TraySetIndexActionTraySetIndex <UITray> <Tray>: Set the UITray to display the specific TrayNot in current cmdlist
buildClass<set> <string>BuildSets the class of a buildStarts with 0
buildCopyFromCurrent5x <int>BuildNo comment provided
buildCreateBuildMakes a new build based on your current state
buildName<set> <string>BuildNames a buildYesStarts with 0
buildSet<set>BuildSets your build to the specified indexYesStarts with 0
buildSetItemBuildSets the item in iInvBag, iSlot to ilItemID which came from iSrcBag, iSrcSlot
CamlookCameraAlias for Camera.Freelook {} $$ Camera.Rotate {}
CamfarCameraZoom the camera out
CamzoominsmallCameraZoom the camera in slightly
CamzoomoutsmallCameraZoom the camera out slightly
CamzoominCameraZoom the camera in
CamzoomoutCameraZoom the camera out
CamsetlocktotargetCameraLock or unlock the camera to the targetNoUnknown command "Gclcamsetlocktotarget".
lookDownCameraNo comment provided
lookUpCameraNo comment provided
camCycleDistCameraCycle the camera distance between several preset values.
camButton_LockAutoAdjustCameraNo comment provided
camButton_LockControllerControlCameraNo comment provided
CamResetCameraNo comment provided
cam_autolevel_interp_speedCameraNo comment provided
camdistCameraSets the camera distance from the player
cam_distance_interp_speedCameraNo comment provided
cam_farCameraNo comment provided
cam_midCameraNo comment provided
cam_nearCameraNo comment provided
camoffset<float>CameraSets the camera offset from the playerYes
cam_pitch_interpCameraNo comment provided
cam_pitch_speedCameraNo comment provided
cam_yaw_interpCameraNo comment provided
cam_yaw_speedCameraNo comment provided
camToggleAimCamCameraNo comment provided
camToggleChaseCamCameraNo comment provided
camButton_Target_Lock_ToggleCameraNo comment provided
camUseAimCamCameraNo comment provided
camUseSTOTargetLockCameraNo comment provided
camUseChaseCamCameraNo comment provided
camTurnToFaceCameraNo comment provided
setGameCamYawCameraNo comment provided
camMouseLookCameraNo comment provided
camRotateCameraNo comment provided
showCamPosCameraDisplays the camera's position
texLoadNearCamFocusCameraTurn on/off loading textures near the camera focus, in addition to just near the camera.
ShowGameUI<int>CameraNo comment provided1 = on, 0 = off
AdjustCamPitchCameraTilts the camera up or down.Not in current cmdlist
AdjustCamYawCameraTurns the camera left or right.Not in current cmdlist
demo_recordCaptureStart recording a demo, save it into FILE. The demo will be saved in the demos/ data folder, as FILE.demo. Note that not all events are saved into the demo, but most are.Yes
demo_record_stopCaptureStop recording any demos started earlier with DEMO-RECORD. The demo will be saved into the filename previously specified.Yes
demo_restartCaptureRestart a currently playing demo. Playback will start up back at the beginning of the demo.Yes
timerRecordEndCaptureStops any current profiler recording or playback
timerRecordStartCaptureStarts recording profiling information to the given filename
StartchatChatMake the chat window visible and give it keyboard focus.
StartchatwithChatShow char and prefill with the given text.
StartchatslashChatStart chat and prefill with a / (command).
StartchatsemicolonChatStart chat and prefill with a ; (emote).Yes
StartchatreplyChatStart chat and prefill with person to reply to.Yes
chanChatSend a message to a channel.
cChatSend a message to a channel.
tChatSend a tell to a specific player.Yes
wChatSend a tell to a specific player.
WhisperChatSend a tell to a specific player.
rChatReply to recent tell.
SayChatSay something to the people near you.
SChatSay something to the people near you.
ChatChatSay something to the people near you.
YellChatSay something to the whole zone.
SupergroupChatSay something on guild chat.
SgroupChatSay something on guild chat.
SgChatSay something on guild chat.
GuChatSay something on guild chat.
offChatSay something on guild officer chat.
OChatSay something on guild officer chat.
GroupChatSay something on team chat.
PartyChatSay something on team chat.
gChatSay something on team chat.Yes
pChatSay something on team chat.Yes
Chat_SetStatusChatNo comment provided
ContactDialogEndChatStop talking to the current contact. Safe to use if there is no current contact. This should be called instead of "ContactDialogEndServer" so that the client can validate that the player is actually in a contact dialog. Otherwise, there are some weird edge cases when multiple Contact Dialogs happen close together.Yes
createChatCreate and join a new channel
channel_createChatCreate and join a new channel
channel_joinChatNo comment provided
channel_leaveChatNo comment provided
Channel_RefreshAdminDetailChatNo comment provided
Channel_RefreshSummaryChatNo comment provided
Channel_RefreshJoinDetailChatNo comment provided
ChannelSendChatSend chat to a channelYes
guildChatSend chat to other players in your guild.
localChatSend chat to other players in your vicinityYes
officerChatSend chat to other players in your guild.
replyChatNo comment providedYes
teamChatNo comment provided
tellChatPrivate tell. Chat handles should be prefixed with an '@' character.
zoneChatSend chat to other players in the same zone.Yes
channel_setcurrentChatNo comment provided
channel_decline_inviteChatNo comment provided
chandemoteChatNo comment provided
cinviteChatNo comment provided
chaninviteChatNo comment provided
channel_inviteChatNo comment provided
channel_kickChatNo comment provided
chanpromoteChatNo comment provided
channel_uninviteChatNo comment provided
channel_destroyChatNo comment provided
clevelChatNo comment provided
muteChatNo comment provided
caccessChatNo comment provided
chanaccessChatNo comment provided
channel_accessChatNo comment provided
channel_descriptionChatNo comment provided
motdChatNo comment provided
channel_motdChatNo comment provided
unmuteChatNo comment provided
ChangeInstanceChatchange to an already created instance of the same map. Only worksa while not in combat.
ChatFriendsOnlyChatNo comment provided
FriendsOnlyChatNo comment provided
ChatHiddenChatToggle anonymous status
anonChatToggle anonymous statusYes
hideChatToggle anonymous status
ChatVisibleChatNo comment provided/unhide
unanonChatNo comment provided
unhideChatNo comment provided
emote_notextChatEmote, but without text.
emoteChatEmote, failing if a preset emote is not found.
emChatEmote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
meChatEmote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
eChatEmote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.Yes
afkChatMark yourself as away from the keyboard.Yes
awayChatMark yourself as away from the keyboard.
dndChatMark yourself as "Do Not Disturb".
trade_AcceptChatAccept the current trade offer. A trade completes when both players accept.
trade_CancelChatCancel the current trading session.
anonymousChatTurn on anonymous status (this command now returns "unknown command")NoNot in current cmdlist
chanlistChatList the channels the player is watchingNot in current cmdlist
channel_infoChatList the members of the channelNot in current cmdlist
channel_listChatList the channels the player is watchingNot in current cmdlist
Chat_ProfanityFilterChatSets whether chat log entries should be filtered for profanityNot in current cmdlist
Chat_SetActiveWindowAlphaChatSets chat window alpha when activeNot in current cmdlist
Chat_SetAnnotateAutoCompleteChatSets whether the auto-complete suggestion list shows annotations, when availableNot in current cmdlist
Chat_SetFontScaleChatSets font scale for chat entriesNot in current cmdlist
Chat_SetInactiveWindowAlphaChatSets font scale for chat entriesNot in current cmdlist
Chat_ShowDateChatSets whether chat log entries should include datesNot in current cmdlist
Chat_ShowFullNamesChatSets whether chat log entries with links to players should show @handles or not.Not in current cmdlist
Chat_ShowMessageTypeNamesChatSets whether chat log entries should always show message typesNot in current cmdlist
Chat_ShowTimeChatSets whether chat log entries should include timestampsNot in current cmdlist
chatinfoChatList the members of the channelNot in current cmdlist
cinfoChatList the members of the channelNot in current cmdlist
clistChatList the channels the player is watchingNot in current cmdlist
uaccessChatSet the user's access permissions for a channel (operator only)Not in current cmdlist
user_accessChatSet the user's access permissions for a channel (operator only)Not in current cmdlist
aliasCommandCreate a more convenient alias for a longer command. You can embed "{}" in the command to replace any arguments to the alias in the aliased command.Yes
bindCommandBind a key to a command, and store it on your character.Yes
bind_loadCommandLoad entity keybinds from ent_keybinds.txt.Yes
bind_load_file<filename>CommandLoad entity keybinds from the given filename.YesLoads ..\Champions Online\Live\<filename>
bind_saveCommandSave entity keybinds to ent_keybinds.txt.
bind_save_file<filename>CommandSave entity keybinds to the given filename.YesSaves ..\Champions Online\Live\<filename>
unbindCommandUnbind a key stored on your character.
unbind_allCommandUnbind all keys for the current keybind profile
MacroExecCommandNo comment provided
MacroRunCommandNo comment provided
bind_localCommandBind a key to a command.
bind_local_loadCommandLoad keybinds from keybinds.txt.
bind_local_load_fileCommandLoad keybinds from the given filename.
bind_pop_profileCommandPop the given key profile from the stack
bind_push_profileCommandPush a specific key profile onto the stack
bind_local_saveCommandSave keybinds to keybinds.txt.
bind_local_save_fileCommandSave keybinds to the given filename.
cmdlistCommandPrint out all commands availableYes
cmdsCommandPrint out client commands for commands containing <string>Yes
unbind_localCommandUnbind a key from a command (this happens automatically when rebinding as well).
PowerTray_SlotCommandPowerTray_Slot <TrayIndex> <SlotIndex> <PowerID>: Puts a Power into a PowerSlot; a PowerID of 0 means empty. NOTE: Tray index of -1 means currentPowerID is very elusive, appearantly each power change increments this, so determining your exact PowerID is character specific and nigh impossible.
PowerTray_SlotNodeCommandPowerTray_Slot <TrayIndex> <SlotIndex> <PowerID>: Puts a Power into a PowerSlot; a PowerID of 0 means empty. NOTE: Tray index of -1 means current
PowerTray_SlotSwapCommandPowerTray_SlotSwap <TrayIndexA> <SlotIndexA> <TrayIndexB> <SlotIndexB>: Swaps the Powers in the PowerSlots across trays. NOTE: Tray index of -1 means current
Power_SlotCommandPower_Slot <SlotIndex> <PowerID>: Puts a Power into a PowerSlot; a PowerID of 0 means empty.
Power_SlotSwapCommandPower_Slot <SlotIndexA> <SlotIndexB>: Swaps the Powers in the PowerSlots
MacroRemoveCommandNo comment providedSTO?
MacroCommandNo comment providedSTO?
PowerTrayClearCommandRemove all elements from a power tray; the tray number is 1-based, not 0-based.Not in current cmdlist
PowerTraySetSlotCommandPut the given node or power into the given tray and slot. Both slot and trayNot in current cmdlist
GammaCalibration_ResetControlsNo comment provided
OptionsControlsShow the options screen.Yes
invertibledownControlsNo comment provided
invertibleupControlsNo comment provided
NavToPositionControlsNo comment provided
NavToSpawn_ReceivePositionControlsNo comment provided
ThrottleAdjustControlsNo comment providedSTO
ThrottleSetControlsNo comment providedSTO
ThrottleToggleControlsNo comment providedSTO
joystick_loadControlsNo comment provided
joystick_load_fileControlsNo comment provided
joystick_saveControlsNo comment provided
joystick_save_fileControlsNo comment provided
freeMouseCursorControlsNo comment provided
setMouseForwardControlsNo comment provided
svChannelJoinControlsNo comment provided
svChannelLeaveControlsNo comment provided
svMicSetLevelControlsNo comment provided
svSetMuteControlsNo comment provided
svPushToTalkControlsNo comment provided
svSpeakersSetLevelControlsNo comment provided
teamHideMapTransferChoiceControlsNo comment provided
UIRememberPositionsControlsWhether to remember UI sizes and positions. On by default.
process_priorityControls0 - default, normal always; 1 - normal in foreground, below normal in background/alt-tabbed; 2 - high always
suspendForcedMouselookControlsNo comment provided
comicShadingControlsEnables postprocessing, outlining, depth of field, and shadows.
d3d11ControlsUse the Direct3D 11 renderer device type
d3d9ControlsUse the Direct3D 9 renderer device type
deviceTypeControlsUse the specified renderer device type (valid options: Direct3D9, Direct3D11)
disableMRTControlsDisables use of multiple render targets
dofControlsEnable depth-of-field rendering
outliningControlsEnable comic outlining
postProcessingControlsEnable postprocessing
shadowsControlsEnable shadows
waterControlsEnable water effects
screen_pos_sizeControlsSets the current screen position and resolution. Usage: /screen_pos_size X Y Width Height
screenControlsSets or displays the current screen resolution. Usage: /screen Width Height
gfxSettingsSetMinimalOptionsControlsCalled when running on old drivers or unsupported hardware
togglefullscreenControlsToggles fullscreen
window_minimizeControlsMinimizes the window
window_restoreControlsToggles the window between restored and maximized
rdrDisableSM2BControlsDisables use of shader model 2.0b and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materials
reduce_mipControlsReduces the resolution of textures to only use the reduced (mip-map) textures.
renderScaleControlsSets the percentage of the display resolution to render the 3D world at
renderSizeControlsSets the pixel resolution to render the 3D world at
bloomQualityControlsSets bloom quality, range = [0, 3]
fxQualityControlsNo comment provided
msaaControlsEnables/disables multisample antialiasing
useSM20ControlsUses only SM20
useSM2BControlsUses only SM2B and lower
useSM30ControlsUses full SM30
videoMemoryMaxControlsSets the maximum amount of video memory (in hundreds of MB) we will try to use.
CharacterDetailControlsSets entity detail scaling
SoftwareCursorForceControlsUse a software cursor instead of hardware cursors (fixes issues on some video card configurations, but is less responsive)
TerrainDetailControlsSets terrain detail scaling
WorldDetailControlsSets world detail scaling
autoEnableFrameRateStabilizerControlsAuto-enables /frameRateStabilizer as it feels appropriate
disableAutoAlwaysOnTopControlsDisable setting the window to always on top while in the foreground
disableSplatShadowsControlsTurns off splat shadows
disable_3d_texture_flushControlsturns off flushing of 3D textures after device loss. Flush and reload takes longer but fixes problems on ATI and Intel GPUs
disable_multimon_warningControlsDisables displaying a warning about which monitor we're rendering on
dynamicLightsControlsEnables dynamic lights
entityTexLODLevelControlsSets the quality level for character textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.
forceOffScreenRenderingControlsForces off-screen rendering, may resolve rendering issues on some platforms (WINE)
frameRateStabilizerControlsEnables hack that seems to stabilize the framerate on some NVIDIA cards
gammaControlsChanges the gamma
gpuAcceleratedParticlesControlsEnables GPU-accelerated particle systems for increased performance on some systems
hdr_max_luminance_adaptationControls0 = use log average luminance measurement, non-zero = use maximum luminance
highDetailControlsEnables high detail objects
highFillDetailControlsEnables high fill detail objects
highQualityDOFControlsEnables/disables high quality depth of field
higherSettingsInTailorControlsIf available, users higher detail settings when in character creation/customization interfaces
lensflare_qualityControlsChanges lens flare quality level. 0 = simple, 1 = soft z occlusion
lightingQualityControlsSets various shader related rendering settings, only some values are allowed (0=low, 10=high)
maxInactiveFpsControlsSets the maximum allowed framerate when the application is not in the foreground
maxLightsPerObjectControlssets the maximum lights per object
maxShadowedLightsControlssets the maximum shadow casting lights per frame
maxfpsControlsSets the maximum allowed framerate
poissonShadowsControlsEnables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
reduce_minControlsSets the minimum size that textures will be reduced to (requires -reduce_mip > 0)
scatteringControls0 = scattering off, 1 = scattering on high res, 2 = scattering low res
softShadowsControlsEnables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
soft_particlesControlsSmooth particle intersections with geometry by fading out near the intersection
ssaoControlsEnables and disables screen space ambient occlusion
target_highlightControls0 = simple targeting graphics, 1 = glowing outline/inline effect
texAnisoControlsSets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
unlitControlsTurns off all lighting on objects and sets the ambient to the specified value
useFullSkinningControlsForces skinning to only two bones to improve performance ("Simple Skinning" in the Options screen)
visscaleControlsSets world detail scaling
vsyncControlsTurns on or off vsync
worldTexLODLevelControlsSets the quality level for world textures. Normal values range from 0.5 to 10.0.
invertUpDownControlsInverts the InvertibleUp and InvertibleDown commands
invertXControlsInvert the horizontal axis for movement controls
invertYControlsInvert the vertical axis for movement controls
reverseMouseButtonsControlsReverse the left and right mouse buttons
alphaInDOFControlsDoes world+character alpha objects before DoF pas
disable_windowed_fullscreenControlsDisables going into full-screen windowed mode when maximized
noClipCursorControlsDisables clipping of the cursor to a sigle monitor when running in fullscreen on PC
noCustomCursorControlsDisable custom cursors, will just use the default Win32 cursor on PC
noSleepWhileWaitingForGPUControlsDisables yielding the CPU while waiting for the GPU
rdrMaxFramesAheadControlsNumber of frames to allow the renderer to get
rdrMaxGPUFramesAheadControlsNumber of frames to allow the GPU to get from the renderer, 0 to disable
useManualDisplayModeChangeControlsManually change the display mode for fullscreen settings, rather than allowing Direct3D to make the mode switch.
sndDisableControlsDisable all playing of sound
sndEnableControlsEnable playing of sound
ui_resolutionControlsPrint the current UI screen resolution.
ShowGameUINoExtraKeyBindsControlsThis command does not add any keybinds for showing the UI when the user presses escape
ui_TooltipDelayControlsSets the additional delay, in seconds, before tooltips appear
AutoDescDetailInspectControlsAutoDescDetailInspect <detail>: Sets the autodescription detail on inspecty
AutoDescDetailTooltipControlsAutoDescDetailTooltip <detail>: Sets the autodescription detail on tooltipsy
schemes_SetCurrentControlsSets your current control/targeting scheme to the given named scheme
UIForgetPositionsControlsForget all saved UI positions/sizes
SetHudShowDamageFloatersControlsSets player damage floaters flag.
SetHudShowInteractionIconsControlsSets player interaction icons flag.
SetHudShowPlayerTitlesControlsSets player titles flag.
SetHudShowReticlesAsControlsSets player reticle display.
timecontrol_setControlsNo comment provided
pauseControlsNo comment provided
timecontrolControlsNo comment provided
timecontrol_toggleControlsNo comment provided
unpauseControlsNo comment provided
disableSM2AControlsDisables use of shader model 2.0a and higherNot in current cmdlist
disableSM2BControlsDisables use of shader model 2.0b and higherNot in current cmdlist
disableSM30ControlsDisables use of shader model 3.0 and higherNot in current cmdlist
enableClickToMoveControlsNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
enableClickToMoveCameraAdjustControlsNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
enableClickToMoveCameraRelativeMovementControlsNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
enableClickToMoveQueuePowersControlsNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
enableClickToMoveTwoButtonControlsNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
enableMoveToTargetControlsNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
lwShadingControlsEnables postprocessing, depth of field, and shadows, with no deferred lightingNot in current cmdlist
rdrDisableSM2AControlsDisables use of shader model 2.0a and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materialsNot in current cmdlist
vertexOnlyLightingControlsEnables the vertex-lighting only path for low-end cardsNot in current cmdlist
zfightControlsExaggerates areas of possible z-fighting (on NV cards, simulates z-fighting that occurs on some non-NV cards)Not in current cmdlist
MailAcceptItemsDeadTransfer items from the given mail item lot to your inventory.No
MailSendDeadSend a mail to someone.Not in current cmdlist
MailSendWithItemsDeadSend mail with items attached.Not in current cmdlist
SuperstatsDeadShow/hide the superstat viewing screenNot in current cmdlist
TalentsDeadShow/hide the talent viewing screenNot in current cmdlist
AcceptFriendFriendNo comment provided
BefriendFriendNo comment provided
FriendCommentFriendNo comment provided
whoFriendNo comment provided
findteamsFriendNo comment provided
friendFriendNo comment provided
ignoreFriendNo comment provided
ignore_spammerFriendNo comment provided
RejectFriendFriendNo comment provided
RemoveFriendFriendNo comment provided
UnfriendFriendNo comment provided
Whitelist_ChatFriendToggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive messages from friends, SG members, and Team members
Whitelist_EmailsFriendToggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive emails from friends, SG members, and Team members
Whitelist_TellsFriendToggles the whitelist for all chat. If enabled, you will only receive tells from friends, SG members, and Team members
unignoreFriendNo comment provided
RemoveIgnoreFriendNo comment provided
LFGDifficulty_ModeFriendNo comment provided
LFG_ModeFriendNo comment provided
lfgFriendToggle Looking For Group status
lftFriendToggle Looking For Group status
Whitelist_InvitesFriendNo comment provided
Whitelist_DuelsFriendSet the Whitelist for duels
Whitelist_PvPInvitesFriendSet the Whitelist for duels
social_blogFriendCreate a blog post on all enrolled services
social_enroll_resetFriendNo comment provided
social_screenshotFriendNo comment provided
social_screenshot_uiFriendNo comment provided
social_statusFriendUpdate your status on all enrolled services
social_tweetFriendA replacement for /tweet
TeamUp_GroupRequestFriendNo comment provided
TeamUp_JoinFriendNo comment provided
TeamUp_LeaveFriendNo comment provided
TeamUp_NewGroupRequestFriendNo comment provided
Whitelist_TradesFriendEnable Trade Whitelist
social_disableFriendNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
Whitelist_Guild_InvitesFriendNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
ugc_MaybeShowReviewGenGenNo comment provided
GenAddModalGenShow a gen on the modal layer.
GenAddWindowGenShow a gen on the window layer.
GenAddWindowPCXboxGenShow a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
GenButtonClickGenIf the given gen is a button, click it.
GenCycleFocusGenCycle focus between the given gens, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
GenCycleFocusReverseGenCycle focus between the given gens in reverse, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
GenListActivateGenIf the given gen is a list, activate the selected row.
GenListDoSelectedCallbackGenIf the given gen is a list, run the selected callback.
GenListDownGenIf the given gen is a list, move the selected row down by one.
GenListUpGenIf the given gen is a list, move the selected row up by one.
GenMovableBoxResetAllPositionsGenReset a movable box to its default position.
GenMovableBoxResetPositionGenReset a movable box to its default position.
GenRemoveModalGenHide a gen on the modal layer.
GenRemoveWindowGenHide a gen on the window layer.
GenRemoveWindowPCXboxGenHide a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
GenSendMessageGenSend a message to a gen.
GenSetFocusGenSet focus to the given gen.
GenSetTextGenSet the text of a gen text entry.
GenSetTooltipFocusGenSet tooltip focus to the given gen.
GenSetValueGenSet a value on a gen
GenSliderAdjustNotchGenMove a slider's notch, if interactive, by the given amount.
GenSliderAdjustValueGenMove a slider's value, if interactive, by the given amount.
GenSliderSetNotchGenSet a slider's notch, if interactive.
GenSliderSetValueGenSet a slider's notch, if interactive.
GenJailResetGenReset all cells to their default sizes and positions.
GenJailSinkGenSend the hovered jail to the bottom of the stack.
gslInterior_AcceptInviteHideoutNo comment provided
gslInterior_DeclineInviteHideoutNo comment provided
gslInterior_ExpelGuestHideoutNo comment provided
gslInterior_InviteHideoutInvite another player to your hideout/bridge
InteriorInviteHideoutInvite another player to your hideout/bridge
HideoutInviteHideoutInvite another player to your hideout/bridge
gslInterior_IsCurrentMapPlayerCurrentInteriorHideoutNo comment provided
gslInterior_UseFreePurchaseHideoutNo comment provided
RespecPowerTreesInvalidMiscRespecs your PowerTrees to nothing if they are currently invalid for some reason
KillmeMiscWill kill your character. Only use as a last resort if there is no other way to get unstuckYes
MissiontoggletrackedMiscToggle whether a given mission is tracked
DropmissionMiscDrop a mission
WinampMiscConnects a running winamp instance
ItunesMiscConnects a running itunes instance
CreditsMiscShow/hide game credits
TermsMiscShow/hide game terms of use
TermsofuseMiscShow/hide game terms of use
ClearMiscNo comment providedYesClears chat
logoutMiscLog out the current character.
MakeCostumeJPegMiscWrite out a character's costume (by slot index) It uses project specific defined camera angles and is a 300 x 400 shotYes
GameMenu<int>MiscOpens the game pause menuYes1 works
Login_BackMiscFrom anywhere in the character creation / login process, go back. Where you go back to depends on where you are.
OpenUrlCmdMiscNo comment provided
bugMiscReport a problem with the game.
tacticalSpecialMiscNo comment provided
WarpToRecruitHandleMiscNo comment providedSTO
SkipFMVMiscThis allows the player to skip FMV
Queue_JoinQueueWithPrefsMiscNo comment provided
twitter_watchMiscNo comment provided
tweetMiscPost a status update to Twitter
locMiscGlobal value for locationYes
CombatLog<int>MiscNo comment providedYes1 = on, 0 = off; Creates Combatlog.log file in the Champions Online\Live\logs\GameClient directory
SafeLoginMiscif true, then log the player back into their most recent static map instead of anything else. (For instance, ifthe player is having trouble doing client patching for a NS map, they might be effectively blackholed and have to use this to back out
crouchMiscNo comment providedNo Effect
netTimingGraphMiscNo comment provided
netTimingGraphAlphaMiscNo comment provided
netTimingGraphPausedMiscNo comment provided
netgraphMiscNo comment provided
tacticalMiscNo comment providedSTO
screenshot_jpgMiscSave a screenshot
screenshot_ui_jpgMiscSave a screenshot with the UI included
screenshotMiscSave a screenshot
screenshot_depthMiscSave a screenshot with the depth only
screenshot_uiMiscSave a screenshot with the UI included
fpsgraph<int>MiscEnables a graph showing recent frame timesYes1 = on, 0 = off
fpshisto<int>MiscEnables a histogram of frame timesYes1 = on, 0 = off
perFrameSleepMiscAdds a per-frame sleep to artificially reduce CPU/GPU usage to help with overheating (will also slow the game down)
printStallTimesMiscPrints out the amount of time a stall took whenever a stall occurs
showfpsMiscDisplays frame rate
showmemMiscDisplays process memory usage
versionMiscDisplays the current build version
ResourceOverlayLoad<string> <string>MiscNo comment provided
BattleFormMiscBattleForm <0/1>: Disable/Enable BattleForm
Buy_PowerTreeNodeMiscBuy_PowerTreeNode <PowerTree> <Node>: Purchases the Node in the PowerTree
PlayerRespawnMiscRespawns a player if all the conditions needed for respawn are met
MailTakeItems<int> <int>MiscTransfer items from the given mail item lot to your inventory including NPC mail items
SetInvBagHideModeMiscSets the hide costume mode for an inventory bag
SetInvSlotHideModeMiscNo comment provided
SetInvSlotHideModeForEntMiscNo comment provided
SharedBankFixupCheckMiscSet the ref to the container, do a shared bank create
SharedBankInitMiscSet the ref to the container, do a shared bank create
SharedBankLoadOrCreateMiscNo comment providedHideout bank?
SharedBank_AddNumericMiscAdd numeric to the shared bank
StatsPreset_LoadMiscNo comment providedNo Effect
StatsPreset_ResetMiscNo comment providedNo Effect
StatsPreset_SaveMiscNo comment providedNo Effect
PowerEmit<PowerID> <Emit>MiscPowerEmit <PowerID> <Emit>: Sets the emit point of the Power. PowerID of 0 applies to all Powers, invalid Emit reverts to default.Yes0 works, otherwise PowerID is a mystery.
PowerEntCreateCostume<PowerID> <EntCreateCostume>MiscPowerEntCreateCostume <PowerID> <EntCreateCostume>: Sets the EntCreateCostume of the Power. PowerID of 0 applies to all Powers, EntCreateCostume of 0 reverts to default.
PowerHue<PowerID> <Hue>MiscPowerHue <PowerID> <Hue>: Sets the hue of the Power's FX. PowerID of 0 applies to all Powers, Hue of 0 reverts to default.Yes0 works, otherwise PowerID is a mystery.
ChangeMood<moode>MiscNo comment providedYes<mood> = Normal, Courageous, Determined, Grim, Angry, Pleasant
SetActiveCostume<int> <build>MiscSets active costumeYes<int> = 1, <build> starts with 0
entCmd_GemItemMiscNo comment provided
entCmd_UpgradeItemMiscNo comment provided
schemes_ResetMiscNo comment provided
gslCurrencyExchange_RequestUIDataMiscNo comment provided
gslDiary_RemoveCommentMiscNo comment provided
gslDiary_RemoveEntryMiscNo comment provided
GameAccountMakeNumericPurchaseMiscNo comment provided
ItemAssignmentCancelActiveAssignmentMiscNo comment provided
ItemAssignmentCollectRewardsMiscNo comment provided
ItemAssignmentsCompleteNowByIDMiscNo comment provided
ItemAssignmentRemoveSlottedItemMiscTest function to remove a slotted item from an active assignment
SkipCutsceneMiscThis allows a player to skip a cutscene. This is only supported for single-player cutscenes such as zone flyovers.
WarpToRecruitMiscNo comment providedSTO
CreateTrainerContactFromItemMiscNo comment provided
playedMiscNo comment providedYesTime character played
unstuckMiscAttempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something
RemoveAllSavedWaypointsMiscClear your saved waypoints
netTimingGraphPausedMiscNo comment provided
versionMiscDisplays the current build version
ResourceOverlayLoadMiscNo comment provided
Buy_PowerTreeMiscBuy_PowerTree <PowerTree>: If allowed, adds the specific power tree to the character though the transaction serverNot in current cmdlist
SharingMiscShow/hide social media settingsNot in current cmdlist
TwitterMiscShow/hide social media settingsNot in current cmdlist
PetCommands_GlobalPetTrayExecPetNo comment provided
CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForEntityPetNo comment provided
CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForTeamPetNo comment provided
DismissPetByIDPetNo comment provided
FillPetTeamListPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_ClearAllPlayerAttackTargetsPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_ClearAttackTargetPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_EnterCombatPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_RequestResurrectionPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetAllPetsStance<int> <string>PetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetAllPetsState<state>PetNo comment providedYes<state> = passive, assist, attack, or dismiss
PetCommands_SetAllToFollowOwnerPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetAllToHoldPositionPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetAllToOwnerAttackTargetPetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetSpecificPetStance<int> <int> <string>PetNo comment provided
PetCommands_SetSpecificPetState<int> <string>PetNo comment provided
RenamePetPetNo comment provided
RenamePetFormalPetNo comment provided
SavedPet_PetRegroupRequestPetNo comment provided
SavedPet_RemovePetNo comment provided
SetPetInvBagHideModePetSets the hide costume mode for an inventory bag on a pet
SummonCritterPetByDefPetNo comment provided
SummonPetByIDPetNo comment provided
SetPetActiveCostumePetSets active costumeSTO?
trade_AddSavedPetPetNo comment provided
pet_power_execPetActivate a power by nameNot in current cmdlist
PetCommands_ClearTargetPetNo comment providedNoNot in current cmdlist
PetCommands_SetMyTargetPetNo comment providedNoNot in current cmdlist
powerstore_BuyPowerForPetFromItemPetNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
queue_inviteQueueNo comment provided
queue_inviteteamQueueNo comment provided
queue_kickQueueNo comment provided
queue_refreshQueuesQueueNo comment provided
Queue_AcceptRematchQueueNo comment provided
queue_changemapQueueNo comment provided
queue_ChangePasswordQueueNo comment provided
queue_ChangeSettingQueueNo comment provided
Queue_JoinActiveMapQueueNo comment provided
Queue_JoinBestMapQueueJoins a map with a guildmate, teammate, or friend - if possible
Queue_JoinQueueNo comment provided
Queue_JoinInstanceQueueNo comment provided
Queue_JoinNextInstanceQueueNo comment provided
Queue_JoinRematchQueueNo comment provided
Queue_JoinWithPasswordQueueNo comment provided
queue_startgameQueueNo comment provided
Queue_TeamJoinBestMapQueueAttempts to put you and your team on a map with another guildmate, teammate, or friend
aspectRatioScreenSets the aspect ratio. Common values are 0 (auto), 4:3, 16:9 (widescreen TVs), 16:10 (widescreen monitors)
GinviteSGInvite player to your super group
GacceptinviteSGAccept invite to join a super group
GdeclineinviteSGDecline invite to join a super group
GacceptSGAccept invite to join a super group
GdeclineSGDecline invite to join a super group
GpromoteSGPromote the rank of a player in your super group
GdemoteSGDemote the rank of a player in your super group
GleaveSGLeave your super group
GquitSGLeave your super group
GkickSGRemove a player from your super group
GbootSGRemove a player from your super group
GrenameSGRename your super group
GrenamerankSGRename a rank of your super group
GrenamebanktabSGRename a bank tab of your super group
GsetpermissionSGSet a permission of a rank in your super group
GsetbankwithdrawlimitSGSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
GsetmotdSGSet your super group's message of the day
GmotdSGDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_GinvitesSGChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
Supergroup_InviteSGInvite player to your super group
Supergroup_AcceptinviteSGAccept invite to join a super group
Supergroup_DeclineinviteSGDecline invite to join a super group
Supergroup_AcceptSGAccept invite to join a super group
Supergroup_DeclineSGDecline invite to join a super group
Supergroup_PromoteSGPromote the rank of a player in your super group
Supergroup_DemoteSGDemote the rank of a player in your super group
Supergroup_LeaveSGLeave your super group
Supergroup_QuitSGLeave your super group
Supergroup_KickSGRemove a player from your super group
Supergroup_BootSGRemove a player from your super group
Supergroup_RenameSGRename your super group
Supergroup_RenamerankSGRename a rank of your super group
Supergroup_RenamebanktabSGRename a bank tab of your super group
Supergroup_SetpermissionSGSet a permission of a rank in your super group
Supergroup_SetbankwithdrawlimitSGSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
Supergroup_SetmotdSGSet your super group's message of the day
Supergroup_MotdSGDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_Supergroup_InvitesSGChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
Sgroup_InviteSGInvite player to your super group
Sgroup_AcceptinviteSGAccept invite to join a super group
Sgroup_DeclineinviteSGDecline invite to join a super group
Sgroup_AcceptSGAccept invite to join a super group
Sgroup_DeclineSGDecline invite to join a super group
Sgroup_PromoteSGPromote the rank of a player in your super group
Sgroup_DemoteSGDemote the rank of a player in your super group
Sgroup_LeaveSGLeave your super group
Sgroup_QuitSGLeave your super group
Sgroup_KickSGRemove a player from your super group
Sgroup_BootSGRemove a player from your super group
Sgroup_RenameSGRename your super group
Sgroup_RenamerankSGRename a rank of your super group
Sgroup_RenamebanktabSGRename a bank tab of your super group
Sgroup_SetpermissionSGSet a permission of a rank in your super group
Sgroup_SetbankwithdrawlimitSGSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
Sgroup_SetmotdSGSet your super group's message of the day
Sgroup_MotdSGDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_Sgroup_InvitesSGChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
Sg_InviteSGInvite player to your super group
Sg_AcceptinviteSGAccept invite to join a super group
Sg_DeclineinviteSGDecline invite to join a super group
Sg_AcceptSGAccept invite to join a super group
Sg_DeclineSGDecline invite to join a super group
Sg_PromoteSGPromote the rank of a player in your super group
Sg_DemoteSGDemote the rank of a player in your super group
Sg_LeaveSGLeave your super group
Sg_QuitSGLeave your super group
Sg_KickSGRemove a player from your super group
Sg_BootSGRemove a player from your super group
Sg_RenameSGRename your super group
Sg_RenamerankSGRename a rank of your super group
Sg_RenamebanktabSGRename a bank tab of your super group
Sg_SetpermissionSGSet a permission of a rank in your super group
Sg_SetbankwithdrawlimitSGSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
Sg_SetmotdSGSet your super group's message of the day
Sg_MotdSGDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_Sg_InvitesSGChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
SinviteSGInvite player to your super group
SacceptinviteSGAccept invite to join a super group
SdeclineinviteSGDecline invite to join a super group
SacceptSGAccept invite to join a super group
SdeclineSGDecline invite to join a super group
SpromoteSGPromote the rank of a player in your super group
SdemoteSGDemote the rank of a player in your super group
SleaveSGLeave your super group
SquitSGLeave your super group
SkickSGRemove a player from your super group
SbootSGRemove a player from your super group
SrenameSGRename your super group
SrenamerankSGRename a rank of your super group
SrenamebanktabSGRename a bank tab of your super group
SsetpermissionSGSet a permission of a rank in your super group
SsetbankwithdrawlimitSGSet a player's withdraw limit of your super group bank
SsetmotdSGSet your super group's message of the day
SmotdSGDisplay your super group's message of the day
Whitelist_SinvitesSGChoose whether to whitelist guild invites
GuildBankInitSGSet the ref to the container, do a guild bank create
GuildBankLoadOrCreateSGNo comment provided
Guild_AcceptInviteSGNo comment provided
Guild_AddCostumeSGNo comment provided
Guild_ClearUniformsSGNo comment provided
Guild_CreateSGNo comment provided
Guild_CreateExSGNo comment provided
Guild_DeclineInviteSGNo comment provided
Guild_DeleteCostumeSGNo comment provided
Guild_DemoteSGNo comment provided
Guild_InfoSGNo comment provided
Guild_InviteSGNo comment provided
GuildJoinAutoSGNo comment provided
Guild_KickSGNo comment provided
Guild_LeaveSGNo comment provided
Guild_MotDSGNo comment provided
Guild_PromoteSGNo comment provided
Guild_RenameSGNo comment provided
Guild_RenameBankTabSGNo comment provided
Guild_RenameRankSGNo comment provided
Guild_RequestUniformsSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetAdvancedEmblemSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetAdvancedEmblem2SGNo comment provided
Guild_SetAdvancedEmblem3SGNo comment provided
Guild_SetBankItemWithdrawLimitSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetBankPermissionSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetBankWithdrawLimitSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetColor1SGNo comment provided
Guild_SetColor2SGNo comment provided
Guild_SetDescriptionSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetEmblemSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetMinLevelRecruitSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetMotDSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetOfficerCommentSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetPermissionSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetPublicCommentSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetRecruitCatSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetRecruitMemberVisibilitySGNo comment provided
Guild_SetRecruitMessageSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetRecruitVisibilitySGNo comment provided
Guild_SetUniformPermissionSGNo comment provided
Guild_SetWebSiteSGNo comment provided
Guild_WhoSGNo comment provided
Guild_ClearLogSGNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
Guild_RequestLogSGNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
unawayStatusMark yourself as back at the keyboard.
backStatusMark yourself as back at the keyboard.Yes
Assist<name>TargetAssist <name>: Assists the Entity with the matching name. If no name is given, assists your current target.Yes
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuTargetIf something is targeted, clear the target, If nothing is targeted, bring up the main menu.Yes
ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuIgnoreMouseLookTargetNo comment provided
TargetTargetTarget <name>: Targets the Entity with the matching name
Target_Button_ClearTargetNo comment provided
Target_Button_ModalCycleTargetNo comment provided
Target_Button_NextTargetTarget the next enemy or friend in order
Target_Button_PrevTargetFind the previous targetable entity and target it.
Target_Button_SetModalCycleTargetNo comment provided
Target_Button_ToggleModalCycleTargetNo comment provided
Target_Enemy_NearTargetTargets the nearest enemy in viewYes
Target_Enemy_Near_AftArcTargetTargets the nearest enemy in view and within the given aft firing arcSTO
Target_Enemy_Near_ForArcTargetTargets the nearest enemy in view and within the given forward firing arcSTO
Target_Enemy_Near_SideArcTargetTargets the nearest enemy in view and within the given side firing arc (starboard and port)STO
Target_Enemy_NextTargetTargets the next enemy in viewYes
Target_Enemy_Player_NearTargetTargets the nearest enemy player in view
Target_Enemy_Player_Near_AftArcTargetTargets the nearest enemy player in view and within the given aft firing arcSTO
Target_Enemy_Player_Near_ForArcTargetTargets the nearest enemy player in view and within the given forward firing arcSTO
Target_Enemy_Player_Near_SideArcTargetTargets the nearest enemy player in view and within the given side firing arc (starboard and port)STO
Target_Enemy_Player_NextTargetTargets the next enemy player in view
Target_Enemy_Player_PrevTargetTargets the previous enemy player in view
Target_Enemy_PrevTargetTargets the previous enemy in viewYes
Target_Friend_NearTargetTargets the nearest friend in viewYes
Target_Friend_NextTargetTargets the next friend in viewYes
Target_Friend_Player_NearTargetTargets the nearest friendly player in view
Target_Friend_Player_NextTargetTargets the next friendly player in view
Target_Friend_Player_PrevTargetTargets the previous friendly player in view
Target_Friend_PrevTargetTargets the previous friend in viewYes
Target_Manual_ModalTargetFind the previous targetable entity and target it.
Target_SelfTargetTarget the current playerYes
Target_Teammate<n>TargetTarget the Nth person in your team.YesWorks only with formed teams
Target_ClearTargetNo comment providedYes
targetCursorTargetTarget the entity clicked on.Yes
targetCursorOrAutoAttackTargetTarget the entity clicked on.Yes
Sharemission<string>TeamShare a mission with nearby team mates
InviteTeamInvite player to your team
AcceptTeamAccept invite to join a team
DeclineTeamDecline invite to join a team
RequestTeamRequest to join player's team
RequestteamTeamRequest to join player's team
JoinTeamRequest to join player's team
JointeamTeamRequest to join player's team
AcceptteamrequestTeamAccept request from player to join your team
AcceptrequestTeamAccept request from player to join your team
DeclineteamrequestTeamDecline request from player to join your team
DeclinerequestTeamDecline request from player to join your team
TeamcancelTeamCancel your request to join a team
CancelteamTeamCancel your request to join a team
CancelteamrequestTeamCancel your request to join a team
PromoteTeamPromote a player to become your team leader
TeamleaderTeamPromote a player to become your team leader
LeaderTeamPromote a player to become your team leader
SetchampTeamSet the sidekicking champion for your team
SetchampionTeamSet the sidekicking champion for your team
ChampTeamSet the sidekicking champion for your team
ChampionTeamSet the sidekicking champion for your team
SkTeamTurn on/off team sidekicking (sk 1 to turn on, sk 0 to turn off)
SkonTeamTurn on team sidekicking
SkoffTeamTurn off team sidekicking
SidekickTeamTurn on/off team sidekicking (sidekick 1 to turn on, sidekick 0 to turn off)
SidekickonTeamTurn on team sidekicking
SidekickoffTeamTurn off team sidekicking
LeaveteamTeamLeave your team
LeaveTeamLeave your team
TeamdisbandTeamLeave your team
DisbandteamTeamLeave your team
DisbandTeamLeave your team
TeamquitTeamLeave your team
QuitteamTeamLeave your team
KickTeamRemove player from your team
KickteamTeamRemove player from your team
KickfromteamTeamRemove player from your team
BootTeamRemove player from your team
TeambootTeamRemove player from your team
BootteamTeamRemove player from your team
BootfromteamTeamRemove player from your team
SetteammodeTeamSet how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
ModeTeamSet how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
TmTeamSet how you handle team requests (open, closed, or requestonly)
TeamlootmodeTeamSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
SetlootmodeTeamSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
LootModeTeamSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
LmTeamSet team loot mode (roundrobin, freeforall, needorgreed, masterlooter, or count)
RoundrobinTeamSet team loot mode to round robin
FreeforallTeamSet team loot mode to free-for-all
NeedorgreedTeamSet team loot mode to need-or-greed
MasterlooterTeamSet team loot mode to master-looter
CountTeamSet team loot mode to count-based
SetlootqualityTeamSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
LootqualityTeamSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
SetqualityTeamSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
QualityTeamSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
SlqTeamSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
LqTeamSet team loot quality threshold (white, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Team_AcceptInviteTeamNo comment provided
Team_AcceptInviteSidekickTeamNo comment provided
Team_AcceptRequestTeamNo comment provided
Team_CancelRequestTeamNo comment provided
Team_DefaultModeTeamNo comment provided
Team_ModeTeamNo comment provided
Team_DeclineInviteTeamNo comment provided
Team_DeclineRequestTeamNo comment provided
Team_InviteTeamInvite another player to your team.
InviteTeamInvite another player to your team.
Team_KickTeamKick a player off your team
Team_LeaveTeamNo comment provided
Team_PromoteTeamPromote team leader
PromoteTeamPromote team leader
Team_RequestTeamNo comment provided
RequestTeamNo comment provided
Team_SetChampionTeamNo comment provided
ChampionTeamNo comment provided
Team_SetDefaultLootModeTeamNo comment provided
Team_SetDefaultLootModeQualityTeamNo comment provided
Team_SetLootModeTeamSets the team loot mode
Team_SetLootModeQualityTeamSets the minimum quality for team looting
Team_SidekickingTeamNo comment provided
Team_SetSpokesmanTeamSet team spokesman
Team_SetStatusMessageTeamSets the team status message
PrimaryMissionTeamOffer this mission to other nearby members of your team and make it primary
Team_InviteModeTeamNo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
UGC.Costume.CreateUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Item.CreateUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Map.CreateUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Costume.DeleteUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Item.DeleteUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Map.DeleteUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Costume.DuplicateUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Item.DuplicateUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Map.DuplicateUGCNo comment provided
UGC.DoUGCNo comment provided
ugcEditorExportProjectSafeUGCNo comment provided
UGC.Map.ImportUGCNo comment provided
ugcEditorImportProjectSafeUGCNo comment provided
UGC.PlayMapUGCNo comment provided
UGC.PlayMissionUGCNo comment provided
UGC.RedoUGCNo comment provided
UGC.SaveUGCNo comment provided
UGC.ViewEULAUGCNo comment provided
UGC.UndoUGCNo comment provided
mailUIShow the in-game mail interface.
CstoreUIShow/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
KeybindsUIShow the keybinding interface.
RearrangeUIMove or resize various elements on the screen
MusicUIToggle MediaControl window
uiOKUIGiven so no unknown command message shows
uiCancelUIGiven so no unknown command message shows
Uioption1UIGiven so no unknown command message shows
Uioption2UIGiven so no unknown command message shows
ScaleUIUIScale the UI up or down.
UiscaleUIScale the UI up or down.
GamepadtrayUIToggle the tray designed to be used with a controller
CostumeCreator.SetHoverMovableUISet the hover pattern on the active part being edited
ui_GenLayersResetUIResets the layout, used for when the server updates movable window positions
ui_load_file<filename>UILoads named UI Windows save fileYesLoads ..\Champions Online\Live\<filename> You may want to /bind_load_file to reset those if you have character specific keybinds.
ui_loadUILoads default UI Windows save file
ui_saveUISaves UI layout to default UI Window save file
ui_save_file<filename>UISaves UI layout to named UI Window save fileYesSaves all positioning and keybinds to ..\Champions Online\Live\<filename>
uiCancelUIRespond "Cancel" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
uiOKUIRespond "OK" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
RememberUIListsUIWhether to remember UI List Column placement and width.
RememberWindowsUINo comment provided
ResetHudOptionsUINo comment providedNot in current cmdlist
SetHudOptionsFieldUISets overhead flags based on UI options.Not in current cmdlist
EM.SaveUnknownNo comment provided
InventoryWindowShow/hide your inventoryYes
TicketsWindowShow/hide the GM help and bugs window
BugsWindowShow/hide the GM help and bugs window
HelpWindowShow/hide the GM help and bugs window
missionsWindowShow/hide the overview for the mission journal
MissionsactiveWindowShow/hide the mission journalYesBrings up character specific missions.
PerksWindowShow/hide the perks window
LoreWindowShow/hide the lore window
JournalWindowShow/hide the mission journalYes
CraftingWindowShow/hide the crafting UI
CraftWindowShow/hide the crafting UI
MapWindowShow/hide the map window
PowersWindowShow/hide the power viewing screen
PeopleWindowShow/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
FriendsWindowShow/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
SocialWindowShow/hide people UIs (friends, search, etc.)
CostumeWindowPops up costume change UI
SupergroupwindowWindowShow/hide super group UI.
RolesWindowShow/hide builds and roles
StatusWindowShow/hide your status/overview
BuildsWindowShow/hide builds and rolesYes
PvpreportWindowToggles the PVP report UI
PvpqueuesWindowShow/hide PvP/instance queues
QueuealertsWindowShow/hide PvP/instance queues
QueueherogamesWindowShow/hide PvP/instance queues
EmotesWindowShow/hide emotes
EmoteswindowWindowShow/hide emotes
InteractwindowWindowInitiate interact UINo Effect
TargetinfoWindowOpens the target information windowYes
HideoutWindowShow/hide the Hideout DialogYes
HideoutsWindowShow/hide the Hideout DialogYes
AlertsWindowShow/hide the Alert DialogYes
AlertWindowShow/hide the Alert DialogYes
SpectreeWindowShow/hide the Spec Tree windowYes
SpecWindowShow/hide the Spec Tree windowYes
CalendarWindowShow/hide the calendarYes
QuestioniteWindowShow/hide the currency exchangeYes
CurrencyWindowShow/hide the currency exchangeYes
ExchangeWindowShow/hide the currency exchangeYes
CurrencyexchangeWindowShow/hide the currency exchangeYes
AddfriendWindowAlias for the friend command. Adds a player as a friend.Yes
FriendaddWindowAlias for the friend command. Adds a player as a friend.Yes
SetFocusToCurrentChatTextEntryWindowWindowNo comment provided
quitWindowClose the window.
CurrencyExchange_ClaimMTCWindowNo comment provided
CurrencyExchange_ClaimTCWindowNo comment provided
CurrencyExchange_CreateBuyOrderWindowNo comment provided
CurrencyExchange_CreateSellOrderWindowNo comment provided
CurrencyExchange_WithdrawOrderWindowNo comment provided
Mission_SetAllMissionHiddenWindowSet all missions to hidden (for the hud), bHidden: 1==hide, 0==don't hide, -1==toggle
Mission_SetMissionHiddenWindowSet this mission to hidden (for the hud), bHidden: 1==hide, 0==don't hide, -1==toggle
PowerSlots_SetCurrentPowerSlots_SetCurrent <Index>: Switches the currently active set of PowerSlotsNoNot in current cmdlist